

smarty include 实例教程

时间:2022-07-02 10:46:22 编辑:袖梨 来源:一聚教程网



{include file='page_header.tpl'}

{* body of template goes here, the $tpl_name variable
   is replaced with a value eg 'contact.tpl'
{include file="$tpl_name.tpl"}

{include file='page_footer.tpl'}

{include} passing variables

{include file='links.tpl' title='Newest links' links=$link_array}
{* body of template goes here *}
{include file='footer.tpl' foo='bar'}


    {foreach from=$links item=l}
    .. do stuff  ...

  {include file='nav.tpl' assign=navbar}
  {include file='header.tpl' title='Smarty is cool'}
    {* body of template goes here *}
  {include file='footer.tpl'}

Example 7-20. Various {include} resource examples

{* absolute filepath *}
{include file='/usr/local/include/templates/header.tpl'}

{* absolute filepath (same thing) *}
{include file='file:/usr/local/include/templates/header.tpl'}

{* windows absolute filepath (MUST use "file:" prefix) *}
{include file='file:C:/www/pub/templates/header.tpl'}

{* include from template resource named "db" *}
{include file='db:header.tpl'}

{* include a $variable template - eg $module = 'contacts' *}
{include file="$module.tpl"}

{* wont work as its single quotes ie no variable substitution *}
{include file='$module.tpl'}

{* include a multi $variable template - eg amber/links.view.tpl *}
{include file="$style_dir/$module.$view.tpl"}
